March 2, 2025: Come to Otto Bookstore on March 16, 2025 at noon. I’ll be there to read “Emma and the Walk Into the Woods” at the children’s story time event.

February 2025: “Emma” had a soft launch in late 2024 then I underwent major shoulder surgery and all publicity efforts stopped. Oops. (updated: see the big news here above! Otto Bookstore!!!)
September 2024 PART THREE: “Emma and the Walk Ito the Woods” launches shortly. “Book Pub” day is approaching quickly. Looks to be mid-October!
“Emma” has been a part of my creative life for a long time now. I am so excited to share her adventures and her stories with you. Please follow the Emma Instagram page for news, coupons, and release dates as well as my personal appearances.

September 2024 PART TWO! Fall keeps getting better and better. Book one is almost here! It’s headed to the printer and should be ready for a book launch in early October. Check out the sneak peak pre-sale info on the Liza and Libby website under the tab for children’s books. I’m so excited!
September 2024: What a summer! Writing, drawing, creating, brainstorming, editing … busy! Working on the finishing touches for the Emma Adventures Series. Such a beautiful story about an adventuresome 8 year old named Emma.
Follow me on Instagram:

You can also follow the Emma page for news and updates. The first book will be out in 2024! This clickable link below will take you to Emma’s Instagram page.

May 5, 2024: ((Edit: All is well but I was not able to attend. So disappointed.)) Gaithersburg, we are coming! Liza and Libby and all their friends will be at the Gaithersburg Book Festival, Saturday May 18. We are in section A. Come find us! Would love to sign your book, available for purchase.

March 27, 2024: My books have been selected for the 15th Annual Gaithersburg Book Festival. Come find me there with all three books for sale. This is such great news! Gaithersburg, MD. Saturday May 18, 2024.

February 23, 2024: Two years ago today, the magic began.

On this day in 2022, “Liza and Libby: The Adventures Begin”, book one in the delightful trilogy, was first published. Wow! What an adventure so far! Since then thousands and thousands of readers around the world have been introduced to and enjoyed the incredible adventures of young cowgirl Liza and her amazing horse Libby. Get the books here. Audiobooks on Audible. What a day.
Get the books on:
Click book cover to purchase your audiobook from Audible!

January 21, 2024 It’s been a whirlwind 5 months. Multiple festivals, and lots of writing. I’m pleased to announce that a set of children’s books will be out in 2024. Book one will be out in late Spring of this year. Stay tuned. And look for the opening of the new website, This will be up before the end of January, 2024.

September 1: Busy!
1) Working with my wonderful sound engineer to finish book three for Audible. My Pondera Publishing will have it up by late September, 2023.
2) Hard at work on book four (which is book one in next trilogy, geared more for adults).
3) Getting ready for a large festival in Bloomsburg PA October 4-8.
4) Public speaking at two schools in West Virginia October 20, then it’s The West Virginia Book Festival, Saturday October 21.
5) Preparing for Winterfest, November 24-26.
July 19: ((UPDATE: THIS WAS A HUGE SUCCESS FOR LIZA AND LIBBY!!!)) Come find The Liza and Libby Adventures booth in the McGill building at the fairgrounds in Perry Georgia. I will be set up with everything you have come to love about the trilogy. Books, book sets, handmade and laser-engraved bookmarks designed and made by us, Rustic Wild Rags (made right here in the USA), our own handmade Rustic Cowgirl Dreamcatchers and more. July 21-30th! And look at this wonderful animation made for me by our graphics guru using one of the still illustrations from book three. I love this.
June 28: I’m excited to announce that book three is already listed in the Liza and Libby shop at: You’re really gonna love this one!

June 15, 2023: Huge announcement! Book three in the “Liza and Libby Adventures Series” is at the printer! This book is 318 pages with 40+ gorgeous illustrations! Action, adventures, mysteries, love, family, and a journey you will love. I’ve had the most fun working on this book and it’s be my privilege to create it. “Liza and Libby: The Adventures Everlasting”.

April 7, 2023: What a busy February and March! THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!! 🥰
👉 Finished the audio for book two. It’s up on Audible! Here is a link to the audiobook on Amazon:
Click to open to audiobook on Amazon
🐴 Had a booth at Horse World Expo in Harrisburg PA in early March. What a wonderful time meeting readers of the book series. Wow! And thank you all for your purchases! Sold lots and lots of wooden bookmarks and horseshoe dreamcatchers too.
✍ Finished book three which will be out in early June or late May I’m told!
🌸 Have been working with some wonderful graphic designers to animate the book covers. Take a look below! This is for book one, the award-winning “Liza and Libby: The Adventures Begin!”
February 18, 2023: 🧚Nature is so important to me as a writer.
💥I am constantly inspired by what is around me, as well as places I’ve visited. I’ve lived and worked in some amazing places in Central and Eastern Europe and more.
🌸Here today however, these pretty little crocus flowers that sprung up just now have given me some poetic ideas for a small section in book three of The Liza and Libby Adventures Series. 🐴Get the books on the website, and on Amazon and Audible worldwide.

January 25, 2023: My publisher and my sound engineer and I are hard at work to get book two ready in audiobook format. Here is a sneak peak of book two, “Liza and Libby: The Adventures Continue”. This is from the end of the book where I have read for you some of the comments and accolades from readers who have loved the books.
January 3, 2023:

December 30, 2022: 🐴 From the bottom of my heart, I would like to thank my readers for a wonderful 2022. I opened my heart to share wonderful adventures of two delightful characters, and you have rejoiced as you read these first two books. I promise to deliver fun, happy, exciting and beautiful books to all of you horse lovers. Have a wonderful New Year. And once again, I thank each and every one of you for an amazing 2022. Thank you for your emails and messages of support and comments. It really means a lot. 🥰
December 6, 2022: Delighted to announce that book one, “Liza and Libby: The Adventures Begin” is the winner of the coveted 2022 Equus Film and Arts Fest award for Young Adult Fiction. Grateful and thankful for this incredible recognition of the adventures of a young cowgirl and her beloved horse.

November 28, 2022: After you take a look at the photo of my filthy palomino, and imagine listening to the soothing noises of her munching hay, please go into your Audible account and check out the first book in the Liza and Libby Adventure Series. 🐴
It’s so lovely and wonderful and inspirational and it’s the perfect book to listen to on the way to and from work and more.
((And tell your friends too!)) 🥰

November 10, 2022: EVEN MORE GOOD NEWS! Literally, news! From “The Union County Times” November 11, 2022 edition. So exciting!!! So many great things happening.

September 12, 2022: MORE GOOD NEWS! The book one audio file is a wrap. Now, my wonderful sound engineer will make magic happen. Here is a sample of the audio. It’s from the very very end of the audio book. This is a rough version and this entire project has been SO MUCH FUN!! Stay tuned.
September 10, 2022: Revised calendar! Email with questions about any of the following author events. Click on the contact button to reach me. What a super exciting Fall I’m going to have. Looking forward to meeting people who love horses and who love to read!

August 8, 2022: You asked for it. Audiobooks in process. Here is an unedited sneak peak audio sample for book one in the trilogy. “Liza and Libby: The Adventures Begin”.

August 4, 2022: Announcing a new podcast, “Around The World With Alexandra”, @ 2022 Alexandra M. Wallace. Click here to listen to a short introduction. So excited!
July 10, 2022: Calendar for the rest of 2022! Getting ready for book festival season. Book two of the “Liza and Libby Adventures Series” will be out by September. This is so incredible. The support and interest in this series has been so heartwarming.

June 27, 2022: Do good things.

May 31, 2022: For summer reading fun, check out for best prices and free shipping on book one of the adventure series: “Liza and Libby: The Adventures Begin”. Great price and free shipping! Also on Etsy with free shipping. Kindle version on Amazon. 🐎🇺🇸🌸✍️ #author#summerreading #summerreads #summerreadinglist#LizaandLibby #LizaandLibbyAdventures #horses#cowgirl #mountains

April 28: Reorganized desk area for my deep author edits before book two heads to the editor. Mac and paperwork was all too low. Saving the upper neck! #LizaandLibby #author#editing #booktwo #adventures #cervicalspine

March 16, 2022: Me figuring out a plot line for book two. #riding #horses #authors#books #booksonhorses #travel #LizaandLibbywebsite #youthbooks 🌸🐎😉🎈🍾❤️

February 28, 2022: Important passages marked in book one of the trilogy for proper reference in book two. #writing #author #prettyflowers#horses #youthbooks #childrensbooks#Ilovehorses #inspireyourself ❤️

Summer 2021 (this post has been updated a few times): I am very happy to announce my collaboration with Pondera Publishing, LLC, and to announce the launch of the “Liza and Libby Adventures Series”. This trilogy is for horse lovers of all ages. Book one is called “Liza and Libby: The Adventures Begin”. Book two, “Liza and Libby: The Adventures Continue” was published in early Fall 2022! Book three in the trilogy for Young Adults has been published July 2023. This is called, “Liza and Libby: The Adventures Everlasting.”

I think you will truly be pleased with book three. There are more horses, more riders, more adventures! The book one and two audiobooks are already up on Amazon / Audible / iTunes and work on audiobook three is in process. So exciting.

My books are currently for ages 12-17 and adults love them too. Shortly, I will launch companion books to each book in the trilogy which I call “Read To Me” books. The “Read To Me” series is perfect to read to children under 10.
I hope you like the characters of each of the books. I know I did as I wrote about each and every one of them.
All photos © 2022 Alexandra M. Wallace